10 Suggestions On How to Match Clothes if You are Colorblind Women

color blind women

Just because you’re colorblind, doesn’t mean you can’t look good. It just takes a little extra effort and some knowledge of colors that compliment your skin tone.

1. Get to know your colors.

The first thing to match clothes is knowing yourself. You can’t just rely on what you think looks good, because if you are colorblind, then it might not actually look good!

As a colorblind women and want to be able to match your clothes without a lot of trial and error, then the best thing that you can do is get used to which colors you can’t see well. This will allow for easy avoidance of those colors when choosing outfits.

It also helps if you know which colors are easily visible for people who aren’t colorblind—that way, any time that a certain shade comes up in conversation (for example: “I love this shirt”), then there’s an easy way for both people involved in the conversation: one person says something like “Oh yeah? I’m thinking about buying this shirt too!” And the other person responds by saying “Great!”

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you still find yourself struggling to match clothes, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask a friend or family member who knows what they’re doing (or at least thinks they do), or hire a professional like a stylist. You can also ask a salesperson at your favorite store if they have any tips on how to match clothes if you are colorblind women. Finally, there are actually websites out there with advice specifically geared towards people who have difficulty matching colors!

3. Wear accessories with colors you like

Wear accessories with colors you like, or have someone help you pick them out before you go shopping.

If you are colorblind women and have trouble finding matching clothes, accessories can be a great way to add color to your outfits. You can choose accessories based on the colors they contain or ask someone else to pick out accessories that match the colors in your outfit.

Accessories are items like earrings and necklaces, belts, scarves, hats and tights that you might wear with an outfit. The following are some ideas about how accessories can help you match clothes if you are colorblind:

  • Choose jewelry with colors that go well together (for example gold with silver).
  • If you want to wear pants that don’t match your top perfectly but still look good together (for example navy blue pants with a light pink shirt), wear a scarf in the same color as one of those two items.
  • Wear hats or headbands (in case we’ve forgotten what those are) made from similar-colored material as our tops – like pink hat for pink top!

4. Pick colors that compliment your skin tone.

If you have a hard time finding clothes that match, make sure you are using colors that compliment your skin tone. If a color looks good on you and it makes you feel confident, then it is a good color for you to wear. This can be hard to do if your eyes are colorblind but with some practice and patience, everyone can figure out what colors look best on them.

5. Don’t wear the same colors all of the time

Don’t wear the same colors all of the time, it will make it easier to tell apart colors you can’t see well and colors you do know well if you are not wearing them all the time.

If you’re trying to match clothes, remember not to wear any one color too often. By doing this, it will be easier for you to tell apart colors that are hard for you to see and ones that aren’t as challenging. What I mean by this is if all of your tops are pink, it may be hard for you to tell the difference between a red shirt and a white top as they both look like pinks to your eyes.

If however, one day you decided on wearing a black top with jeans while another day had on an orange dress paired with heels; this will make it much easier because now when someone asks what color their shirt is or which shoes go with their jeans (or whatever), then they will know exactly what goes with what due to the variety in colors being worn throughout the week versus just wearing one thing over and over again without any other choices available!

6.Make a color wheel

color wheel

Now that you have a basic understanding of color theory and what colors are available to you, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. First, make a color wheel or find one that someone else has made. Color wheels can help you learn about complementary colors (the opposite of each other on the wheel) or split-complementary colors (colors next to each other on the wheel). They can also help you find colors that complement your skin tone in multiple ways: by making sure they aren’t too bright or too dark; by choosing ones which match your natural lip color; and by finding shades in different parts of your face so no part seems washed out!

7.Use a monocolor scheme.

This is a very basic tip for those who are colorblind. Monocolor schemes are easy to match, coordinate and mix and match with any other colors in your wardrobe. I would suggest getting a couple of solid colored shirts (in different shades of the same color) that you can wear over your jeans or slacks. Solid colored dresses will also look great when matched with different shoes and accessories such as belts, scarves etc.

8.Choose your colors wisely.

  • Choose your colors wisely.
  • If you’re looking for a way to create harmony, choose colors that are similar in value. For example, if you have a dark green shirt, a light blue skirt and a pale pink blouse all in your wardrobe, try pairing those together instead of putting the green shirt with the pink blouse and the blue skirt. In this case, it’s best to put all three items on top of each other and see how they look as an ensemble before making any decisions about what goes where.
  • If bright patterns are more your thing, consider using complementary colors (colors opposite each other on the color wheel). For example: red & green; yellow & purple; blue & orange etc… This doesn’t mean that all four pieces should be solid or bold prints though—you can still wear muted versions of these complimentary hues as well!
  • Analogous hues sit next to each other on the color wheel so picking out outfits that include these will help keep things easy when matching clothes while colorblind.”

9.Pair things that look good together but not necessarily the same

Matching clothes is not just about the color!

You can pair items that look good together but not necessarily the same. There are many ways to match clothes, from matching by texture and shape to pattern and style. Here are some examples:

  • Similar colors are a great way to match your clothes if you know your colors well. For example, you could wear something gray with navy or black pants because they have similar colors like gray pants do.
  • If you’re not sure what colors look good together, try matching textures instead of colors when dressing yourself up for an event or meeting with friends at school or work; this will help create a beautiful outfit without having to worry about whether or not it matches the shade (or shade).

10.Don’t be afraid to try new things.

women with colorblind

If you are not sure about something, it is okay to ask for help. You don’t have to be an expert on matching clothes if you are colorblind women. You can always ask someone who knows more about fashion than you do and has more experience with it.

You should also not be afraid to try new things! It is important that when reaching outside your comfort zone, you are willing to take risks and push yourself beyond where it feels comfortable or safe.

You can still look great, even if you are colorblind!.

You can still look great, even if you are colorblind!

Color blindness is a genetic disorder that causes an inability to see certain colors. It affects about 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. Most of the time it’s harmless and not noticeable at all, but when you have to dress your best for an important event or go on a date with someone special, this can be frustrating. Worry no more! You have a few options to ensure that you look great no matter what color combinations your clothes may be.


We hope these tips help you find your way when it comes time to match clothes. We know that it can be hard sometimes, but we also know that there are many ways around it!

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