Color Blind Solution
Covisn TPG-288 Color BlindContacts, Better Solution To Opened Up Your World To Color That You Had Never Seen Before..
More DetailsCovisn TPG-288 Color BlindContacts, Better Solution To Opened Up Your World To Color That You Had Never Seen Before..
More DetailsThere are few color-blind contact lenses brand currently on the market. Most of them are very expensive due to technical and production reasons.
By wearing color blind contact lenses can solve most kinds of problems caused by color blindness in your life
Many colorblind people cannot distinguish between red and green in everyday life, making it difficult to distinguish traffic lights. Of course, it is not suitable to be an airplane pilot, driver, etc. Otherwise, if be scholar and technical personnel, do office work, do not have too big hindrance.
300 million people (about 4.5% of the entire population)with colour blindness in the world,almost the same number of people as the entire population in your country! Color blind can not curable.but the glasses can help enjoy your life.