Color Blindness? Here’s How Color Blind Contact Lenses Can Help

women smile face

Color blindness is a common condition that can affect anyone. It’s estimated that 8% of men and 0.5% of women are color blind, which means millions of Americans have this vision problem. If you’re one of them, you might be wondering if there’s anything you can do about it. The good news is that there are options for restoring your sight, including color blind contacts. These special lenses are worn like regular contacts but allow you to see colors more accurately by filtering out certain shades from your field of view. You may be nervous about making such an important change to your vision, but don’t worry: getting fitted for color blind contact lenses is safe, easy, and effective!

Available for All Types of Color Blindness

colorful designed door

If you have red-green color blindness, there are lenses that can help. If you have blue-yellow color blindness, there are lenses that can help. And if you’re totally colorblind or partially so, there are options for those as well.

The lenses correct a variety of different types of color blindness in an easy and convenient way.

The lenses are made of special materials that filter out different wavelengths of light. These filters are designed to help you see colors correctly without changing the way they look.

Don’t be frightened of making a change in your life.

The idea of changing your vision can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re used to having perfect eyesight. But there’s no need to worry about color blind contacts—they’re safe and effective at helping people who are colorblind see more accurately.

Color blind contacts are designed to be comfortable: they have many features like hydrogel materials and an extended water chamber that make them feel soft on your eyes. Plus, they’re easy to put in and remove because their small size makes it possible for even children and seniors to manage them on their own without assistance!

Activities that can affect how long your contacts last.

There are a lot of other activities that can affect how long your contacts last. Here’s what you need to know:

girls swimming in pool
  • Don’t swim with your contacts in, unless you’re wearing a special contact lens solution that’s made for water sports. The chlorine and salt water can wear down the lenses, causing them to disintegrate faster than they normally would.
  • Avoid showering with your lenses on (unless they’re supposed to be waterproof). The steam from hot water or steamy showers may cause damage and discoloration of the lens material, which makes them less effective at blocking out light and helping you see clearly.
  • If you have an eye infection or irritation, it’s best not to wear disposable contact lenses until the issue has cleared up completely—this includes redness around the eyes as well as any discharge from inside the eyes themselves.*

Benefits of a second pair of contact lenses

In addition to the benefits of wearing color blind contact lenses, it is important that you have a backup pair in case you lose or damage one. You will still be able to see with your backup pair, so if anything happens to the other lens, you can still get through your day without it.

You may want a second backup set because:

  • You might want an extra pair for special occasions so that you can wear them when people are less likely to notice if they are not perfectly clean.
  • Your eyes may feel tired after spending too much time looking at screens or reading books (or even just watching TV). If this happens while wearing your regular color-blind contacts, consider switching them out with another pair until your eyes feel better again.

If you wear your color-blind contacts for too long, your eyes may get tired and feel dry. If this happens while wearing your regular color blind contacts, consider switching them out with another pair until they feel better again.

Help improve vision during day and night.

street light  in night

Colorblind contacts aren’t just for improving vision during the day – they can also help at night. Color blind contact lenses can help you see better in low light and in the dark, which makes them especially useful if you’re trying to drive or play sports at night. If you’re worried about color blindness but still want to have fun with friends, this is one way to make it happen!

Talk to your eye doctor

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You’ll get the most out of your color blind contact lenses if you and your eye doctor work together as a team. If you have any concerns, don’t be afraid to bring them up!
  • Don’t be afraid to say no. If you’re not comfortable with something that’s being suggested, speak up! Your eye doctor will want what’s best for his or her patients, so they’ll likely want to hear what you have to say.
  • Take it slow. Color blindness is a big change—and one that needs time before it can become natural and comfortable for those affected by it. Be patient with yourself and take things slowly at first; that way, when results begin coming in (which they will!), there won’t be any major surprises or unexpected complications along the way!
  • Ask for help if needed; do not hesitate in seeking support when needed from others who may know more about this area than we do here today – whether friends or family members who themselves are colorblind? As well as other professionals such as teachers who teach children with vision issues like these…
  • Get second opinions from other doctors who specialize in helping treat people like us over time – especially since many types of conditions such as these require complex treatment procedures usually best handled by experts specializing specifically within their field rather than generalists working outside their scope

Cleaning your colorblind contacts regularly

Now that you know how to buy and use colorblind contacts, it’s important that you clean them regularly.

Generally, they should be cleaned every day with a pre-moistened solution or saline solution to keep the lens clean and comfortable. If you wear your contact lenses for more than 30 days, a regular disinfecting solution may be needed instead of a daily cleaning routine. A good rule of thumb is to use up the entire bottle of contact lens solution within one month for optimal eye health. Depending on what brand of lenses you buy, there might be specific instructions on how to clean your colorblind lenses so make sure you read those carefully before trying anything new!

Do not use tap water when cleaning these colorblind contacts since tap water contains chlorine which can damage some types of lenses over time! Instead, make sure that any liquid used for cleaning has been filtered so there aren’t any chemicals present that could harm your eyesight later down the road when wearing these special eyeglass frames.

Color blind contacts improve your vision.

It’s not hard to see that color blind contacts are several times more comfortable than normal eyeglasses, but what many people don’t realize is that color blind contact lenses can be just as safe for your eyes as traditional glasses.

Color blindness contact lenses are made from plastic or silicone and can be worn all day long. They’re easy to clean and maintain, so you don’t have to worry about them getting damaged if they fall out of your eyes during sports activities or swimming.

They’re also very safe, as they don’t contain any harmful chemicals or dyes that could cause damage to your eyes. They’re also quite comfortable, so you won’t have to worry about them feeling awkward or heavy on your face.

Color blindness contact lenses are also very easy to put in and take out. They have a smooth surface that allows them to slide right into place without any trouble. You can even wear them while driving or doing other activities that require your eyesight so you don’t have to worry about taking them off when you’re not wearing glasses.


If you’re color blind, you have probably been frustrated by not being able to see the world in full color. Color blind contact lenses can help fix that problem by providing a clearer image in both eyes. They also make it easier for people who are partially color blind or have red-green color blindness to see more clearly than before. These contacts are also good for those with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

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