10 Amazing Facts About Strong Protan Color Blindness

strong protan color blind


How much do you really know about color blindness? If your answer is “not much,” then you’ve come to the right place. Protanopia, sometimes called red-green color blindness, is a condition that affects around 1% of men and .01% of women. They have it. They struggle to see red colors. They can’t tell purple, pink, and red apart. To help explain this little-known condition (pun intended), we have collected some facts about protanopia:

1.The condition is also known as red-green color blindness.

The condition is also known as red-green color blindness. It is sometimes called deuteranomaly, deuteranopia, or red-green color blindness.

This condition is genetic. It’s passed down from parents to children. Women can pass it on to their babies when they’re pregnant and give birth to boys who have protanopia or other types of colorblindness.

2.People with strong protan color blindness have a mutated (changed) form of the red-sensitive pigment in their eyes.

The red-sensitive pigment in people with strong protan color blindness is a mutated form of the normal pigment. The normal pigment has a distinct shape, but the mutated l-opsin has a different shape. The mutated l-opsin doesn’t work as well as the normal pigment. This leads to less efficient light absorption and poor color perception in intense light.

3.What colors are most strong protan color blind people see.

If you are a strong protan color blind person, you will have trouble distinguishing between red and green. You might also have trouble seeing blue and yellow.

The colors that strong protan color blind people see best are:

  • Red and black
  • Blue and yellow

The colors that strong protan color blind people see least well are:

  • Green and white (but not yellow)

4.Most men have the condition, and most women carry the mutation that causes it.

Most men have the condition, and most women carry the mutation that causes it.

The majority of people with protan color blindness are male. The cause is a genetic mutation on the X chromosome, which is carried by all women but only some men. If you’re a woman with no symptoms of protan color blindness, there’s a good chance your father or brother carries this mutation. They passed it on to you. In rare cases, it can pass from mother to daughter or father to son. But, this is rare. It happens much less than fathers passing it to their sons or mothers passing that gene to their daughters.

5.Some people with protan color blindness cannot see any color at all, while others can only see shades of blue and yellow.

Protan color blindness is a type of color blindness. It makes it hard for the affected person to tell red from green.

Some people with protan color blindness cannot see any color at all, while others can only see shades of blue and yellow. Others can see blue, green, and yellow but not red or orange; this is called “protanopia.” Some people are completely blind to colors. They are called “tetrachromats.” They have four types of eye cone cells, instead of three (red/green). This gives them an extra dimension when it comes to perceiving colors outside the normal range for humans!

6.Many people with severe protan color blindness think that grass is purple or blue.

Some people have protan color blindness. They struggle to tell green, blue, and purple apart. They may think grass is blue or purple. It’s not because they have misaligned eyes or the wrong prescription glasses. In reality, it can be hard for many people to tell the difference. Certain shades of green and blue look so alike.

When you look at grass in daylight (with direct sunlight), it looks green to most people without color vision issues. But, under artificial light (which is bluish), that same piece of grass might look “purple” or “blue.” This may seem strange. But, there is science behind why we see colors differently at different times of day due to different lighting sources. And those changes could affect how bright something appears too!

7.It‘s difficult for someone with severe protan color blindness to tell when traffic lights turn red and green.

You may think it’s easy to tell when traffic lights turn from green to yellow, but for someone with severe protan color blindness, this is not the case.

When walking or driving through an intersection, you can tell that a light has turned red by its brightness. But, if you have protan color blindness, it will be hard for you to tell different light colors apart. You might think that the lights are still green because they appear brighter than normal.

Your spouse or partner has severe protan color blindness. They could get lost while walking through an unfamiliar city at night. Or they could accidentally walk into oncoming traffic during the day. Then, they could get hit by a car.

8.The colors of flowers can be difficult to distinguish for those with protan color blindness.

The beauty of flowers is difficult to appreciate for those with protan color blindness. The lack of contrast between the petals and their background makes it hard to distinguish between shades of yellow, red, orange and brown.

As you may have guessed from the name “protan” (from Greek: pro- meaning “first”), this form of color blindness is often considered one of the most common types. As such, many people who suffer from this condition may not even realize that they have it! Consider your family history when diagnosing yourself or others. If both sides have a history of color blindness, it’s likely others in the family have it too.

9. Protan color blindness can make writing on white paper hard. This is because text uses few contrasting colors.

In addition to the challenges of reading and writing, protan color blindness can also make it hard to tell white text on black from black text on white. This is because red-green colorblindness affects your ability to see the difference between reds, greens, yellows, and browns. These are colors often used in print or other visual media.

If you have vision deficiency in this spectrum (protanopia), there’s not much you can do about it. However, some tools are available for those who want to help themselves. They can learn how their condition affects them. Then, they can overcome these obstacles as best as they can.

There are many forms of protan color blindness. They range from mild to total loss of both types of pigment. These pigments allow a person to see red and green.

The degree of protan color blindness can vary, ranging from mild to total loss of both types of pigment that allow a person to see red and green colors.

There are four forms of protan color blindness:

  • partial monochromacy
  • red monochromacy (protanopic)
  • green monochromacy (deuteranopic)
  • total lack of red/green perception

What the difference between protan and teutan

Protan and teutan color blindness are both forms of red-green color blindness. They are caused by a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome, which is why males are more commonly affected than females.

To understand protan and teutan, it helps to know that our eyes have three types of cones. They are red, green, and blue. Each picks up different light. When light enters your eye through these cones, they each send signals to your brain telling you what color something appears as. A person with normal vision sees things accurately. But, someone with protan or teutan sees colors differently. This is because their cones don’t work correctly.

How do you diagnose you are strong protan color blind

  • One way to determine whether you are strong protan color blind is to take a test.
  • Another way is to ask a doctor, friend, family member or teacher if they think you might be strong protan color blind. They may be able to spot unique patterns in your behavior and appearance that indicate this condition.
  • A third option is simply asking yourself: “Do I feel like I see colors differently than other people?” If so, consider the possibility that strong protan color blindness may be affecting your daily life and causing problems at work or school.
  • Alternatively, if none of these options seem viable for diagnosing yourself as being strongly protan color blind—or even if they do—there are still plenty of other ways of finding out!

Where do i get strong protan color blind glasses

There are many places you can buy strong protan color blind glasses. You can find them at stores, websites, or even from your doctor. The first place to consider is your local eye doctor’s office. They may have a supply of strong protan color blind glasses for sale or they will be able to order some for you from their supplier. If that fails, search for websites that sell them. Many vendors sell these products if you look hard!


As we’ve seen, protan color blindness is a unique condition that affects many people. While its symptoms can sometimes be inconvenient, it also has some surprising benefits for the people with this condition! We hope you’ve learned more about how protan helps the visually impaired get around and go about their daily lives.

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